15th Annual Captain's Cup Golf Tournament

Port Bureau News,

The Riverside Team Wins the Cup

The Riverside Wins  the Cup

The Captain’s Cup Golf Tournament returned to the beautiful greens at Sugar Creek Country Club again in 2023 on Nov. 6. From the first tee to the last putt, the sun shone on players from 33 teams for a full day of competitive sport and camaraderie at the tournament.

The top honors of the day were carried off by the team from The Riverside. Winning first place gross were teammates Tara Battle, Bill Diehl, Tim Studdert, and Jamie Sylvester. Second place gross went to Damien Cantrell, Ernie Farrand, Joe Brown, and Kersey Johnson of the Watco team.

Additional team wins were scored by:

First place net: Moran Shipping Agencies team - Adam Black, Robert LeClair, Daniel VanDuzer, Jesse Villareal

Second place net: Arc Marine team – Paul Ayala, Grant Leal, Chris Puig, Alfred Reyes

Third place net: Lloyd Engineering team – Brandon Bicknell, Craig Drachman, Patrick McKinney, Owen Parker

It was an action-packed day, with players vying for the top spot in the Closest to the Pin and Longest Drive contests. Winners were Tim Studdert, David Figueiras, and Shannon Odom for Closest to the Pin and Grant Leal for Longest Drive. Many players tried, but no one hit the ace for the Hole-in-One in 2023. New this year to the competition was a Chipping Contest. Numerous players tried their luck at sinking a long shot, and the first of several to succeed was former Port Bureau president, CAPT Bill Diehl!

In addition to breakfast, lunch, and dinner, hospitality tents dotted the course, offering beverages, snacks, and giveaways. The raffle, dinner and awards ceremony were hosted on the patio of the country club’s restaurant, lending extra conviviality to the evening’s celebration.

Thank you to our players and to the sponsors of the 15th Annual Captain’s Cup Golf Tournament. In addition to our generous sponsors, we would also like to thank the Golf Committee for their hard work: Tim Studdert, Chair (Shamrock Marine), Jamie Sylvester, Co-Chair (Crowe, LLP), Royce Clutter (Suderman & Young Towing Co.), Blaire Hoffman (Haugen Consulting), Shannon Montes (Mobilease, Inc.), Gavin Osorno (AccuTRANS), Kyle Plaisance (McCarthy Building Companies), Crissy Rivera (Texas Capital Bank), Richard Rojas (Stellar Bank), Karl Schröder (Schröder Marine Services), Kate Skaggs (Mobilease, Inc.), Heather Ward (Kinder Morgan Terminals), and Frank Yonish (Fifth Third Bank).

The Captain’s Cup sells out rapidly each year. If you or your company is interested in participating in the 2024 tournament, please send an email to golf-info@txgulf.org to receive updates.