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The Gulf Coast shipping area serves as a vital hub for maritime commerce and trade, playing a significant role in the global supply chain....

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Executives, who are prone to the so-called status quo bias, or a tendency to stay with a certain course of action regardless of its likelihood of...

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The Battle of Lepanto, National Maritime Museum The string of Turkish victories on both land and sea over the past century had struck fear across...

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Happy 2024 to everyone! I hope you all had a great time over the holidays and were able to recharge for the year ahead. I had an awesome time...

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It has been an absolute pleasure and a privilege to serve as Greater Houston Port Bureau’s chairman over the last three years. Our Houston...

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What will the port of the future look like? In the labyrinth of global trade, maritime ports stand as pivotal junctions where the ceaseless ebb and...

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Rapid Hurricane Protection and Long-Term Economic Stability for Galveston Bay Photo courtesy of Rogers Partners. It has been 15 years since...

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The Riverside Wins the Cup The Captain’s Cup Golf Tournament returned to the beautiful greens on Nov. 6 at Sugar Creek Country...

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The Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) proposed “Clean Water Act (“CWA”) Hazardous Substance...

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Photo courtesy of Texas811. Founded in 1984, the non-profit Texas811 is the link between anyone intending to dig and their utility companies....

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Vincent DiCosimo presented an update on the status of congressional work for infrastructure and port investment at the Port Bureau’s October...

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“Obviously, the Port of Galveston is my favorite topic,” said Rodger Reese, port director and CEO of Galveston Wharves, as he opened his...

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