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To be located just off the coast of Brazoria County, Texas, Enterprise Products’ SPOT is one of the world’s most environmentally focused energy...

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Based on the S&P Global macroeconomic model, EIA expects U.S. real GDP to grow by 0.5% in 2023, with economic growth returning after contraction in...

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Tony Chovanec presented his perspective for the outlook of business in Houston’s port region in “Our Future Couldn’t Be Brighter” to attendees at...

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The U.S. Coast Guard is proposing to modernize the Coastal Area Contingency Plans (“ACP”) to improve usability and attain national consistency.

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The large coverage and long duration of drought conditions across the U.S. set several records in 2022. The year was also marked by numerous severe...

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Activity in the oil and gas sector continued growing in fourth quarter 2022, according to oil and gas executives responding to the Dallas Fed Energy...

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David Grzebinski Selected as Greater Houston Port Bureau’s 2023 Maritime Leader of the Year

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GHPB president CAPT Bill Diehl announces he will retire in May.

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The “Goony Bird” – pitcher Don Larsen’s nickname bestowed upon him by his Bronx Bomber’s teammates - had much to...

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On Aug. 31, the Battleship Texas left its home of 64 years for the second, and possibly last, time to traverse the Houston Ship Channel to dock at...

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Shell’s vision is to become one of the most diverse and inclusive organizations in the world. A place where everyone (from our employees, to...

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Many households across the United States are likely to spend more on energy in the winter of 2022–23 compared with recent winters....

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