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First Mover of Segregated Renewable Diesel (R99) by Pipeline.

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Shell plc (“Shell”) announced the appointment of Ed Daniels to the newly created role of Strategy, Sustainability and Corporate...

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Stolt-Nielsen Limited announced the appointment of Hans Augusteijn as president, Stolt Tank Containers (“STC”). Augusteijn succeeds...

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BargeRack WTIV is the latest vessel dedicated to U.S. operations supported by ABS. Image courtesy of Friede and Goldman/ABS. American Bureau of...

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L to R: Robert Hawn and Niels Aalund Niels Aalund, officer and senior vice-president of the West Gulf Maritime Association...

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Dave Morgan, Blake Vaughn, and Nathaniel Hough receive scholarships to Rice Business Executive Education's Corporate Innovation program in May.

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Photo courtesy of ExxonMobil. ExxonMobil and SABIC have announced the successful startup of Gulf Coast Growth Ventures world-scale manufacturing...

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Senator Cornyn meets with Port Bureau members to discuss hydrogen infrastructure bills at the port of Houston

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Ric Campo Selected as Greater Houston Port Bureau’s 2022 Maritime Leader of the Year

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A year of forging ahead.

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As I enter my second year as chairman of the Greater Houston Port Bureau in 2022, I am honored to serve our great port region. Once again ranked...

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Photo courtesy of Enterprise Products Partners Petrochemical Exports Promise Positive Future for Port Region The Greater Houston Port Bureau...

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