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Targa is acquiring Southcross Energy Operating LLC and its subsidiaries in South Texas for $200 million.

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MSC joins FLOW to help improve information-sharing between key stakeholders.

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Officials gather for a ribbon cutting ceremony opening the South Port Connector Road at the Port of Brownsville on March 4. Photo courtesy of the...

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When I learned I was to be transferred from Panama to Houston in 2006, I shared the news with my boss, Alberto Aleman, the CEO of the Panama Canal....

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Despite the unfavorable circumstances stacked against them, the University of Washington athletes rowing the Husky Clipper finished first in the...

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Understanding the ways that this technology has already transformed our environment, and the ways that it will continue to evolve, will be critical...

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Manolo Sánchez discussed the events leading to the birth of Bitcoin as a concept and the spreading influence of cryptocurrencies in today’s global...

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The Energy Information Administration compares their Annual Energy Outlook 2021 Reference case to a Corporate Goal case modeling announced utility...

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Read the February 2022 edition of the Port Bureau News in PDF format.

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First GAC company to calculate and establish its emissions. Photo courtesy of GAC. GAC Bunker Fuels’ Greenhouse Gas (“GHG”)...

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The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency ("CISA"), along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"), National Security Agency...

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An Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking ("ANPRM") approved by the Federal Maritime Commission (“FMC” or "Commission") asks the public...

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