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This is a saying I often said when we were moving in the Coast Guard. The kids thought it was a Coastie saying. When I decided to get out of the...

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A new year, a new quarter, a fresh start. The old has been displaced by the new and what has been matters no more - for the present is here.

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Scott Elmer presented “What We Know, and Where We Are Going” based on Harris County's stormwater tunnel project’s feasibility study at the February...

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March Commerce Club Featuring COL Michael E. Fossum, Vice President of Texas A&M University, COO of the Galveston Campus, and Superintendent of...

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If you would like to read the 2023 Quarter 2 Port Bureau News magazine in PDF, click here to view or download in sequential-page view. If you...

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The Greater Houston Port Bureau Announces New President

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The great architect Frank Lloyd Wright was a visionary leader who was committed to his ideas. He felt the U.S. was unique and needed its...

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With the closing of the books on the 2022 arrival tallies last month, there is a clear picture on the state of maritime commerce in Texas. It is...

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It is my honor to serve the Houston port region through my work as chairman of the Greater Houston Port Bureau. Since its founding in 1928, the Port...

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. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on both cybersecurity and physical security at port facilities.

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Read the 2023 Quarter 1 edition of the Port Bureau News in PDF format.

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The Houston Pilots have announced their election 2023 Executive Committee, with Captain Clint Winegar to serve as presiding officer.

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